Gear connectors


Policy Priorities for BC's Manufacturing Industry


Manufacturing is a significant contributor to BC’s economy. Manufacturing remains the second largest employer within the BC goods-producing sector, directly providing about 170,000 jobs and indirectly supporting hundreds of thousands of more jobs, totalling almost 400,000. Employment growth in the manufacturing sector grew much faster than employment in all other industries in BC.

In 2015, the sector contributed 10% of provincial GDP. Manufacturing is the primary source of exports for BC, not natural resources, comprising almost 65% of shipments. More than 30% of all business taxes flowing to government come from manufacturing.

In 2016, the sector was also one of the top contributors to provincial GDP at close to 10%. More than 30% of all business taxes flowing to government come from manufacturing. For every $1 dollar generated by a manufacturer another $3 dollars in economic activity results in local BC communities.

Unfortunately, manufacturers in the province face a number of barriers which constrain their growth potential.

Politicians need to hear that manufacturing, and its economic contribution, matters. Job seekers need to see the availability of well-paid rewarding careers.

The public needs to hear your stories so they recognize the incredible impact BC’s manufacturers have on their daily lives.