The voice of manufacturers
To advance and defend the interests of BC manufacturers
Our Mission
The Alliance's mission is to promote dialogue and encourage collaboration and joint action amongst a variety of industry stakeholders to ensure a strong and competitive manufacturing sector in BC.
The goal is to ensure all British Columbians continue to benefit from the economic growth, high-value outputs and high-paying jobs found across all types of manufacturing in the province.

Issues & Policy Priorites
Manufacturers generally do what they do under the radar, focusing on getting a quality job done without pomp or circumstance. Unfortunately, many of the great stories go untold, leaving policy makers and the general public with the wrong impression of a vibrant and strong piece of our economy. To say that manufacturing is under recognized and unappreciated is an understatement.
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The Alliance works with partners to create and deliver solutions to make industry more competitive. These services include advocacy for policy and regulatory change; skills training and employment programs to fill labour shortages; productivity, innovation and technology programs, and safety.
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